Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Reservation

In “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” you see how alcoholism is a big part of the reservation. Most people consume alcohol and it impacts them differently. It is also a big problem in the reservation. Alcoholism is one of the leading causes of deaths in the reservation. Alcoholism is like violence in my community.  It causes death, pain, and suffering for many people. Violence can be used by people to heal pain by getting revenge or for whatever reason just like alcohol can be used to heal pain by drinking it so you lose your senses and ability to think. Violence in my neighborhood is often used for revenge but also to cause pain. That is shown by the gangs existent in the neighborhood which makes it difficult for people to come together as a community since it causes many problems in many different ways. Just like alcohol, violence is a leading cause of deaths. Chicago is a city known for violence. Many neighborhoods have lots of violence while others not as much or at all. Violence in my neighborhood causes many deaths no matter what kind it is, whether gang violence, domestic violence, or any others. You hear it on the news, rumours, or even by actual people you know who have experienced, dealt, or is going through violence.
Just like in the book, unless you move somewhere else, things will mainly stay the same and you will have to deal with the issue forever. Change may cause many big changes and sacrifices but sometimes that is needed in order for things to be better. Alcoholism can be like violence as well as many other things in a community.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Native Son

In Book III of Native Son you see what many people think besides just mostly Bigger. You finally see someone, that is not of Bigger’s same race, understand what Bigger feels and has been feeling. Jan is very important because when he first visited Bigger in his cell he apologizes. That is a big issue because he is white and it surprises Bigger that he would apologize to him and come speak to him without being angry about him killing Mary. He actually understands Bigger in how he did it out of not knowing what to do and when Max is there too, you see a lot more understanding towards Bigger’s situation take place. Bigger cannot help what he did because it is the only way he knows. He has always been fearful and violent and such because no one has ever taught him or he hasn't seen otherwise. That plays an important role on his decisions and how he views things. Whether it was for good or bad intentions, the understanding is there and it helps Bigger realize that not all white people are the same, and it helps white people realize that black people are human too.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Principle To Keep

Deciding what principle I will always keep no matter the situation is difficult. There can be many different principles that can be created for different possible situations but to think of one for all is very hard. When I think about different principles it is hard to decide on one but I think the principle I would always live by is to always protect the ones I love.
The reason why I would always stick with this principle no matter what the situation may be is mostly for one important reason. In my opinion if there is a really bad situation happening, I probably wouldn't want to live unless I had a very good reason to. That reason to live would be my loved ones. I would do anything for them. I would protect them and help them survive for as long as I possibly can and want the best for them. I would consider them before myself in things like food and supplies. The only time I would probably be first is when, if necessary, I would sacrifice myself. Again, that goes with having a reason to live. If have no reason to live why would I want to survive? Might as well just die without caring if there is nothing for me to try to survive for in the worst case scenarios. I probably would not even have somewhere to go to.

 That is my opinion and what I think. It was a difficult decision but that is the principle I chose to always keep. No matter what the situation may be, my loved ones will always come first and I will do anything for them.